Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year

It's beautiful here. Another good 3 inches of snow has blanketed everything,
washing away the crud from yesterday. I was just sitting outside, enjoying the wonder of it when my DirectTV dish had an avalanche. It's an HD Dish, about the size of my turkey platter. Covered in snow and slush, yet our TV is happily blaring PBS morning shows.

Wow- it just doesn't seem that long ago that enormous saucers were showing up in yards all over the county. I grew up in the city. We were fortunate that cable came to our neighborhood when I was just a kid. Our remote had a cord. There was some sort of A/B switch that was a little confusing. But we had MTV and HBO. Not that I was supposed to be watching these channels, but...I must have seen Poltergeist a hundred times! So, these saucers, what are they? Satellite Dishes? Huh? Crazy stuff! TV from space. They had to have been 8 foot diameter or more. Where are they now? I wonder if they'd make a nice family sled.

A few years ago (probably ten), I was shopping when this man, a stranger, struck up a conversation with me. He was looking at me, lips moving, words coming out. I replied. He's just looking at me. Then I saw it. A Bluetooth. Hm. Guess he wasn't talking to me after all. Just a phone the size of a glue stick attached to his head. Weird.

Technology scares me just a little. I'm starting to fall behind-way behind. But I can't live without this stuff. When we're getting in the car- 'do you have your phone?' while I'm double checking that I have mine. When the wind blows, 'is the TV working?'. My wireless router isn't working- panic attacks ensue. We now have Monopoly, Battleship and Yahtzee for our XBox 360. Whoa!

This year I'd like to try to remember how to live more simply. Enjoy my family and friends, learn to be quiet. But here I am, still drinking my coffee, and I'm at the desk. It will be a big task.

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